Sunday, November 23, 2014

Breaking up, breaking down, breaking in, and breaking out...

    Okay, so first things first.... HOLY CRAP!!! Dawn completed her first 5k! A-MAZING! Which leads to the first thing: breaking in. This means a lot of things right now... breaking into this new way of life, breaking in those running shoes (for Dawn of course, NOT me! haha), breaking in these "new" bodies that are still changing every day, etc. Also, I officially registered for a Spartan race! AHH!!! Kinda freaking out about it, but really cannot wait! More about that later...
     On to the next... breaking out. UGH! Like teenage acne status over here... we strayed a bit from the meal plan this week, and boy does it show! We had a few indiscretions this week, and for me it involved A LOT of dairy! Our cheat meal on Friday night was pizza at a friends house, which was delicious and painful! Me and dairy are not friends... I try so hard, but it just wants to fight me! I was never lactose intolerant before, but over the many diet programs we have been through I have taken dairy out many times and really only add it back in the form of cheese, but don't seem to know my limits. So, now that my body isn't having it all the time it resists when I do... with this comes severe stomach cramps, increased bathroom time, throat mucus and nasal congestion, and of course... break outs! NOT a fan, but it proves a quote I saw today "What you eat in private, you wear in public". You can't hide from your dietary choices! Because of these so called treat meals, we have so much food left in the freezer, I didn't even need to batch cook this week! While that is great for the budget, it shows how far off we were this week.
     So back to this 5k... Saturday morning was the Mustache Dache 5k in City park. The weather was perfect, Dawn was excited and nervous, and I couldn't have been more proud! She had on her newly made bucket list t-shirt, her tutu, and the cutest little braided pigtails. As she went and lined up on the starting line, I found myself getting a little teary. Never before would I have imagined this is where we would be. One night over dinner with friends (a marathon runner and her ironman husband) Dawn decided this was a goal she wanted to accomplish, and she signed up for it and started training. The truth of the matter is that the training took a backseat to many other things (crossfit, boxing, stomach bug, head cold, etc) and she ended up not preparing AT ALL after the first running accomplishment. Despite all that, she finished in under an hour and jogged the majority of it! As I saw her turn the corner toward the finish line, I began to well up with tears, and had the biggest smile on my face as she gave her last push and ran it in. I walked over to where she was and gave her a big hug and then... we both broke down. We sobbed and cried and smiled and celebrated. THIS is what we have been working for. THIS is what will keep us going.

     And finally... breaking up. This is a tough one. So, after much discussion and weeks of weighing pros and cons, we have broken up with our gym. There were many reasons for this decision, and it was DEFINITELY not easy, but we feel that in the long run it will be a good decision. I have nothing bad to say about the place we were at, and wish them nothing but the best. It really came down to short term goals, equipment, and scheduling. With that said, we will be starting at a new place after Thanksgiving and will post more about that later.
     It was a crazy week with a lot going on emotionally, physically, and psychologically. With all of that, I am a bit relieved to not have to batch cook, but it feels weird! Like I am forgetting something. I'm looking forward to the challenges of a holiday week though and to see how new behaviors react with old habits and my favorite holiday of the year!

By the way... I didn't forget, we owe you measurements! Stay tuned....

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