Monday, November 10, 2014

Updates and new plan.....

Its been 2 weeks since the last update.  Nothing exciting that we missed, although we did have some guests in from out of town. Unfortunately, that entailed eating out a bit and not making the best choices for snack foods. Although the food choices were not the best, we still went to xfit (and boxing) and walked A lot!  After realizing that while the results of all our hard work are visible, the scale does not want to move.  Jamie and I have both been stuck for a few weeks now so we decided we need a kick start! I have briefly talked about the program that helped us the most in previous posts, but now I would like to talk more in depth, and why I feel that it works. The program is Fit2Fat2Fit written by Drew Manning and his wife Lynn.  Those who are on my facebook page may have noticed I received a Happy Birthday message from them last week which makes me like them even more.  Yes, I have a man crush on Drew, yes my wife knows, but hey, whatever works right??!
So what is this plan you ask?  Drew is a personal trainer who never really 'understood' what obese people went through.  He believed the stereotypical claim that fat people are lazy, unmotivated, and choosing this lifestyle.  He took it upon himself to go on a 6 month journey of gaining weight through food challenges, overeating, not exercising, and not 'caring' in order to see what it is like. During that time, he would journal how he felt, videoed what he ate, and wrote a book! Once the 6 months was complete, and he gained almost 75 pounds, he took another 6 months to lose it all.  Why do I like this plan so much?  Because Drew knew what it was like. He felt how fat people felt, if only for a short time.  He experienced the fatigue, muscle aches, emotional journey, and the relationship issues that happen when one is obese.  He chose to do this to understand so many people.  And the plan to get back into shape was the easiest plan we have done to date.  Yes, it is boring and repetitive, but we saw results (mostly Paleo).  The first round I lost 40 lbs and I believe Jamie lost 35.  And that was just a matter a a few months. 
Did I drink Drew's koolaid? You bet I did.  I also drank the best spinach shake I have had in my life.  It is delicious, filling, super easy to make, and very convenient.  We will right about our success with Fit2Fat2Fit and include some of the yummy recipes that go along with it.  In the meantime, check out his webpage,  He is currently doing a Fit2Fat2Fit Gluten Free challenge to show how going 'gluten free' if you are not celiac, may not be the best option.  We all are different in our short/long term goals, we all have different versions of health, and what works for me may not work for you.  Nothing is wrong.  Do what makes YOU feel great. 
On that note, stay healthy, stay happy and ask questions along the way. We are no experts, but we love to share our knowledge!

1 comment:

  1. Its hard to stay on track when you have family over or when you are traveling but good for you guys for "starting over" again. This day one is much easier than the last
