Monday, December 29, 2014

Measurements, Motivation, and Meal plans

     Good morning!! So here we are on the last Monday of 2014... New Years day is on Thursday and with that comes all the resolutions and new diets or exercise programs for the majority of people. I always try to say I'm not doing any of that and I'm just doing my own thing without all the dumb broken promises to myself. Most of that is just me trying to justify or feel better about all the failed attempts of my past. So, every year it gets a little harder or a little more annoying to think about the same stuff. I am really kinda sick of it and would love to have a new years where I don't have to think about weight or diet or exercise. Or to still be sitting here thinking "maybe next year". Even when you pretend it's not an issue or something that's on your mind, it doesn't go away. It's like when someone mentions the amount of food you eat or looks at your plate with a judgmental look and you find yourself wondering if skinny people feel this way. But... no matter what your weight situation is or what your hang ups are, no one will ever judge you as hard as yourself.
     Now... this whole motivation thing... what is it, where does it come from, how do you make it stay?? These are things I have wondered for pretty much forever! Once you start something and pour your whole self into it it's easy to ride out the momentum and keep it going, and even easier when you begin to see results. But what happens when you start to get a little cloudy in your vision, or when you take a little time off, or when things just hit a random stand still. As I sit here in between holidays knowing that my food choices have been shit and that my gym schedule has completely fallen apart, I just don't know how to light the fire back up. I know I love what I was doing, and I know I was seeing better results than I ever have before, but for some reason I'm just in a funk.
     I don't really do well with free time or sitting still, and I am currently in the middle of a 2 week break from work. So.... that puts me in this weird emotional spot where I just lose my motivation. I hate it, I'm aware of it, and yet I still let it happen. I am a creature of habit and do best when I have a routine, so set schedules and strict meal plans all work really well for me, but the slightest change in plans can offset everything I'm doing. Weird how it works, but its always been that way for me. Anyone have any input on this?? Suggestions on how to keep it going or get back on??
     Speaking of strict meal plans... we just signed up to follow a slightly more intense version of the fit2fat2fitplan we had been following before the holidays. It starts on the 4th, so this week will be the prep week, which usually involves purging the house of bad stuff and stocking up on the good stuff. Luckily for us, we've already been doing this so it's just the holiday crap we have to get rid of and Saturday we will shop for the new menu to batch cook on Sunday. If you have any interest in checking this thing out, the new plan is at, the free version we were doing before is at
      Last but not least.... as I've been promising, here is the chart of our measurements so far. You can see that there are some solid results, but also some stand stills. There is still far too much weight and inches to be lost for there to be a plateau for either of us. Something definitely needs to be shaken up here in the next couple days to get this thing going full force into the new year. So I guess a resolution needs to be made, but rather than some empty promise or putting a number on things, I will keep it a bit simpler: No more excuses!!!! That is the best thing I can do for myself at this point.
     Happy New Year to each and every one of you that reads this. Thank you for your continued support. Be safe, and take good care of yourselves.

DAWN 20-Sep  10/17 Diff. 24-Nov Diff. 27-Dec Diff.
Neck: 16 16 015.25 0.75 15.25 0.75
Bust: 50 49 1 49 1 47 3
Waist: 48.5 46 2.5 46 2.5 45 3.5
Hips: 57 54 3 54 3 53.5 3.5
Right Arm: 19 18 1 16 3 15.5 3.5
Right Thigh: 30.5 27.5 3 27.5 3 26 4.5
Right Calf: 21 20 1 19.75 1.25 19 2
Weight: 286.8 284.2 2.6 276 10 276 10
JAMIE  9/20 17-Oct Diff. 24-Nov Diff. 27-Dec Diff.
Neck: 15.5 15 0.5 14.5 1 14.5 1
Bust: 46 45 1 45 1 45 1
Waist: 42.5 41 1.5 41 1.5 40 2.5
Hips: 48.5 47.5 1 47.5 1 46 2.5
Right Arm: 17 15 2 15 2 14 3
Right Thigh: 30 28.5 1.5 28.5 1.5 28.5 1.5
Right Calf: 19 18.5 0.5 18 1 17.5 1.5
Weight: 236 229 7 227 9227 9

Friday, December 26, 2014

Oh heeeyyyy!!

       Holy crap... it's already been 20 days since we last posted! It's amazing how easily life gets away from you. Holidays, new job for Dawn, sick people, sick pup, new goals, new achievements, etc... and here we are with New Years in sight! The end of an exciting and amazing year, and a solid outlook on what's to come.
     This Christmas was so unlike any other, and yet so much better in a different way! We usually both have our interests and things that we want for gifts that include kitchen toys for me and makeup for Dawn. This year included things like compression shorts and sweatbands as well as a foam roller and a 20lb slam ball. What a difference a year makes!
    Crossfit at the new gym has been amazing, we are both getting stronger and have better endurance. I can do 20" box jumps no problem now! AND... I did a series of 11 clapping pushups during a workout on xmas eve! I LOVE THIS SHIT! haha It just feels good to be so focused on health and strength instead of weight and getting skinny.
     Unfortunately, Dawn hasn't been boxing as much as she would like... she's been too busy loving her new job! Scheduling conflicts suck, but she is still kicking ass and trying to find that balance. She is also looking into a 10k next month. I'm just really glad she is finding her groove in life and proud of all she is accomplishing both personally and professionally.
    We sent out the most obnoxiously cute holiday cards this year that involved us getting dressed up and going to the gym to play around with poses with equipment. Hopefully you got one and loved it, if not... that sucks! HAHA

     Anyway....I'm babbling, but wanted to post a quick update and not neglect this thing anymore. Measurements tomorrow, batch cooking on Sunday, and New Years this week... no resolutions this year for me. Why? Because I've already started and made my own commitments and promises to myself. I WILL, however, be making attempts to keep up on these posts more. Thanks for reading and happy holidays to you all!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Seatbelts and Douchebags

If you never had to ask for a seatbelt extender, this is for you. An inside glimpse at that world from a chunky chic.
When I first flew years ago I was nervous about the seats. I wasn't at my heaviest, but still very overweight. When I boarded the plan and attempted to clasp the seatbelt, it would not budge. I smushed, pushed, and did anything I could do to get that damn thing to close, to no avail. With apprehension I approached the flight attendant to ask for an extender. You could see the look of digust in her eye as she handed it to me. If only she knew the disgust I felt for myself for having to ask. Luckily, I would fly with my wife so she didn't mind (or wouldn't admit) if my thighs went on her side of the seat. I minded however. I hated it. I hated flying and never wanted to get on a plane again.
My next issue was the bathroom. I have a small bladder to begin with and when I get nervous, I'm screwed. Anytime I fly I will not eat or drink until I have gone into the airplane bathroom, closed the door, and sat down. I have never not fit, but it still scares me. 
So today was a flying day. I have worked my butt off these last few months but still had fear of not fitting in the seat. I found out I was the only one in my aisle before boarding so I was slightly relieved that my thighs wouldn't touch the neighbors. As I boarded the plane I told the flight attendant I may need an extender. I like to forewarn them before the plane gets to busy. I took my seat, took a breath, and grabbed the seatbelt. It clasped. I wasnt squished and had room to move around. I was ecstatic. The flight attendant walked by shortly after and asked if I needed the extender. Proudly, I said nope I am comfortable. She smiled. I smiled. In fact, I smiled the whole way to Chicago because I knew when I get home I am checking off another box on my bucket list.
The next flight was from Chicago to Hartford and I heard the plane was small. Okay, its really fucking small. One seat on one side, and 2 seats on the other. I approached my seat which was the aisle of the 2 seater and some douchebag dickhead was in it. I decided to take the one seat side rather than cause a commotion.  Once again, I held my breath and grabbed both ends..OMG, it fit. And I fit. In this tiny lil seat with armrests on both sides that were not moveable. Sidenote, the douchebag just smiled at me and I want to punch him but I'm too proud.
So as the plane is about to take off, the attendant asks someone in row 1-7 to sit in the back to distribute weight. Douchebag kinda looks at me, I look at him and remain seated. The guy behind me ends up moving. Screw you people. My butt is secure in this seat, 5A, and thats where it is staying. Then, I tested the bathroom. Yup, I fit. Phew, mise well pee while I am in here..and hang out. Why?? Became I mutha fuckin can. Because I can close the door and do a pirouette if I wanted to. Because I work hard for who I am becoming. And because I am no longer that person that needs an extender. Ya know what else?? I wear the seatbelt even when the pilot says you dont have to!!
Bucket list item complete. Day is great. I am happy. Love and health to all. Except the douchebag. He still is annoying  me.