Friday, December 26, 2014

Oh heeeyyyy!!

       Holy crap... it's already been 20 days since we last posted! It's amazing how easily life gets away from you. Holidays, new job for Dawn, sick people, sick pup, new goals, new achievements, etc... and here we are with New Years in sight! The end of an exciting and amazing year, and a solid outlook on what's to come.
     This Christmas was so unlike any other, and yet so much better in a different way! We usually both have our interests and things that we want for gifts that include kitchen toys for me and makeup for Dawn. This year included things like compression shorts and sweatbands as well as a foam roller and a 20lb slam ball. What a difference a year makes!
    Crossfit at the new gym has been amazing, we are both getting stronger and have better endurance. I can do 20" box jumps no problem now! AND... I did a series of 11 clapping pushups during a workout on xmas eve! I LOVE THIS SHIT! haha It just feels good to be so focused on health and strength instead of weight and getting skinny.
     Unfortunately, Dawn hasn't been boxing as much as she would like... she's been too busy loving her new job! Scheduling conflicts suck, but she is still kicking ass and trying to find that balance. She is also looking into a 10k next month. I'm just really glad she is finding her groove in life and proud of all she is accomplishing both personally and professionally.
    We sent out the most obnoxiously cute holiday cards this year that involved us getting dressed up and going to the gym to play around with poses with equipment. Hopefully you got one and loved it, if not... that sucks! HAHA

     Anyway....I'm babbling, but wanted to post a quick update and not neglect this thing anymore. Measurements tomorrow, batch cooking on Sunday, and New Years this week... no resolutions this year for me. Why? Because I've already started and made my own commitments and promises to myself. I WILL, however, be making attempts to keep up on these posts more. Thanks for reading and happy holidays to you all!

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