Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Bloggin' ain't easy!!

     And just like that it's been 3 months since either of us has written anything... sorry. So what has happened in that time?? Ugh... what hasn't!?! Dawn has found herself in a job that is right in line with the dream she had for her career, she has backed off of both boxing and crossfit due to injury (tendonitis in her wrist and thumb), has signed up for her next 5k, and has realized that with the season change it's now time for a new smaller wardrobe. I think that about covers the bulk of it. As for me... Still doing crossfit 3-4 times a week (and holy crap am I getting stronger!), am counting the days until my Spartan race, I have registered for school, and have also had some wardrobe changes. All in all, things are good... I have some health issues we are currently trying to figure out, but the results so far are steering away from anything serious, so that's good.
     So... the weight situation is a touchy subject... we have both been at a plateau for almost 2 months, which is SUPER frustrating! We have both seen changes in our body composition, and that's great, but sometimes you just wanna see a different number on that damn scale!!! With that, I've made the decision that we are going to try something a little different: 30 days of clean living. No eating out, no alcohol, no gluten, no dairy, minimal sugar, etc. Worth a shot, right?!? It couldn't have been timed better though, since I'm on spring break and able to cook fresh every night rather than batch cooking, but that's only one week, so back at it on Sunday.
     This week we are keeping it pretty simple: spinach shakes for breakfast every day, hard boiled eggs and clementine for snack 1, deli meat lettuce wraps for lunch, raw veg w/guacamole cup for snack 2, protein & veg for dinner. Also trying to grill as much as possible! Just because lol. Starting to look for recipes now for next week, will tell ya all about it as soon as I know.
     Now for the "other stuff"... last week there was a WOD that absolutely kicked my ass, and it was awesome! It was a Tuesday, which are always benchmark workouts; the ones named after heroes or have some level of status in the crossfit community. I was one of the last 2 people working while all the fit people had finished and were gathering their things to head out, I kept my head up and gave it everything I had. As I looked around, everyone had stayed... they were cheering on those of us not yet done. It felt good... they knew my name, they knew I could do this even if I didn't, they knew I needed that in that moment. I dug in deep and found every last bit of grit left in my and as I pushed through my final thruster, I dropped the bar and feel to the ground. I burst into tears and let go of everything that had ever held me back. It was that moment that I've read about in so many other weight loss journeys, but never had my own. THIS was my breakthrough. I grabbed my stuff and walked towards the exit, thanking everyone that was telling me "good job" as I left. I got into my car and began a full on sobbing scene. It felt good, it gave me clarity, it made me realize things about myself that I had never thought possible. That moment has help me set new goals, hit new PRs, lift heavier, dig deeper. LOVE IT!
    Thanks for reading, I know that was a lot of catching up, but I will definitely try to keep up on this thing more now that I have things to write about.

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