Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 8...

     Today was day 8. But since my last post, there has been days 5-7. Those days had all sorts of things, ranging from emotional exhaustion to flu-like symptoms (which I have now convinced myself are just horrible allergies). Still feeling pretty crappy as far as that goes, and the last couple workouts have really kicked my ass, but I'm feeling the benefits of this way of life in small ways with big impacts. I haven't been eating antacids by the handful as I usually would, I haven't been craving crap food or sweets, I haven't been bored or disinterested with our food as with many other plans, overall it's been good.
     The countdown is in full effect for the Spartan race I am doing on May 2nd. This is HUGE for me, though I'm really trying to downplay it all. I set my goals high so that I could allow myself some time to get my shit together, half thinking it could be a long term goal as long as there's a goal on the table. So I decided that I wanted to do a mud run, but not just any mud run, I wanted to do THE mud run. So... Spartan race!!! And without putting enough thought into it, as it came across my facebook suggested ads one day I clicked on it. Next thing I know... I'm registered. CRAP!!!!!! So... here it is, less than 2 weeks away, and I'm not really freaking out about it like I should, nor am I really training for it per se. I'm doing crossfit 4 times a week, and have run on the treadmill a couple times, but nothing as serious as I probably should LOL. BUT.... it's kind of also a benchmark for me. I'm not going into it with any intention or goal other than to give it my all and to finish. As long as I finish and don't die, I will feel proud and accomplished. I am running it with team bucket list,whichincludes2 other friends (Sarah and Renee), who will hopefully not get stuck pulling my big ass over a wall somewhere! Wish me luck!
     So, our food selections for the week were all picked off of an instagram page called Whole30 recipes. Go check them out cuz this stuff is GOOD! Breakfasts have stayed the same this week(and will stay that way throughout) because it's good and it's easy! 2 eggs, 2bacon, baked sweet potato w/ghee and cinnamon. Lunches are: Salad w/grilled chicken today, chicken salad stuffed tomato w/spiralized cucumber salad, Portuguese kale and chorizo soup, spinach and apple turkey burger w/guacamole. Dinners this week are: Seared peach rosemary pork chop w/marinated mushrooms, lamb stew, spaghetti squash w/Bolognese sauce, chicken wings w/sweet potato fries, mussels in tomato broth. Gonna be a good week! Let me know if you need recipes!
    As for Dawn.... she is making this stuff look easy! Her detox symptoms have been minimal, and she is really not struggling with anything at all... jerk! I'm super proud of her and glad that she seems to be enjoying it so far. She's been hitting up all these crazy classes at the gym and getting it done! She did break one of the primary rules of Whole30 and got on the scale (she's a serial weigher), but to her surprise.... 11 lbs down so far! Pretty awesome! Of course for curiosity's sake after that I did it too... 7lbs! Glad to be off that plateau!

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