Monday, April 13, 2015

Whole 30 Day 1 complete!

     So here we are at the end of day1... not too bad! The food was good, I picked up a meal plan client, and got my ass back to the gym! Feeling good, motivation it up there, I'm excited, no complaints... YET! So, if you're not familiar with the Whole 30 program, you can definitely hit up their website ( for more information, but the basic jyst of it is: NO gluten, NO grains/legumes, NO dairy, NO alcohol, etc. So, basically 30 days of super strict clean eating. The part that'll likely be the hardest is going from a plan that encouraged snacks between meals, making 5-6 small meals a day to one that promotes a 3 meal way of doing things. Today was definitely a hungry day, so there were small approved snacks to fill the gaps until I adjust.
     Here's what I ate today...
Pre-workout: small closed handful of raw mixed nuts, water
Post-workout: apple and almond butter
Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 bacon, baked sweet potato w/cinnamon and ghee
Snack: Blueberry larabar
Lunch: Big salad w/homemade tarragon vinaigrette
Snack: Epic turkey bar
Dinner: Shrimp "tacos" with tomatillo slaw and avocado

Had a couple cravings for sweets after meals and a soda in the afternoon, but not giving in to that stuff, especially on day 1 hahaha.

My plan is to write a little every day just to chronicle my journey and the details of the 30 days. Bare with it! Thanks for reading.

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