Sunday, October 12, 2014

Batch Cooking

     So it's Sunday, and in our house that means one big task... BATCH COOKING! Each week we set ourselves up with a few simple recipes for dinners, and the same breakfasts and lunches every day. Two of the main reasons we have failed in the past are 1.) not being prepared and 2.) over complicating things. A lot of times we will borrow recipes (sometimes personalizing them) because let's face it... other people have done the work of testing it out and making it good, so why not go with it!? There are plenty of times though that I will use my own recipe or create something new. This week we did a bit of both.

      Our amazing coaches at Two Rusty Bars Fitness ( told us what they eat for breakfast everyday, and though it sounded weird we went with it... and loved it! So on Sunday we bake 7 large sweet potatoes and 2lbs of bacon. Each morning we have 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, and 1/2 sweet potato with a bit of butter we whipped with cinnamon and a tiny bit of honey. SO good and keeps us full all morning.

      Lunches each day are 4 lettuce wraps(butter lettuce leaves) containing 1oz each of high quality deli meat and 1/2 slice of cheese. I usually have an apple or other piece of whole fruit with my lunch, while Dawn has a greek yogurt.
     Dinners are usually 3 recipes spread out over the week, but this week we will be home a few more nights together, so we will cook a couple meals fresh. Our main recipe for the week is Puerto Rican Pork Shoulder from the Domestic Man ( but we did it in the crock pot. We also made a cilantro lime cauliflower "rice" to serve it with. YUM!!! Our second recipe came from one of Dawn's boxing coaches at Title boxing gym in Greenwood Village ( It's so simple and delicious... 1lb ground beef, 1lb ground turkey, 1 diced onion, and a TON of sriracha. Sautee it all together, top with an avocado and you're done. Love it!
      We have been feeling like we aren't eating enough veggies lately so we added a couple side dishes into the mix that we will also be eating throughout the week... Stupid easy paleo's beet and Brussels sprout salad( and Paleo Porn's asparagus w/sun-dried tomatoes (

    It looks like a ton of food when you have it all cooked in front of you, but man is it worth having it all done! After about 3 weeks there is usually enough extra meals from the batches that we can make an entire week of mismatched dinners. Today was a crazy busy day, so unfortunately there are no pictures of our batched delights, but next week I promise to have them!


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