Saturday, October 18, 2014

Food For Thought...

   (Disclaimer: You may or may not agree with them, but these are MY opinions) 

     Today I was thinking... I was thinking about the life I used to live and how it felt like I just gave up on living. I was in this cold dark place that just seemed to feel comfortable. Plenty of friends and loved ones around me all the time, but yet it seemed so lonely. Dawn and I often talked about how much we hated being so fat and so inactive, and we were always on some sort of diet, but we just never did enough.
     The common misconception is that obese people do nothing but sit around and watch tv while shoving food in their faces, and in some cases that is true, but not all. Here's something to think about: it is actually A LOT of work to get and stay obese. No, seriously... think about it... the amount of calories required to maintain that weight and the complete lack of physical activity involved...WOW. Now take that one step further- to actually be physical at that kind of weight and STILL not lose any. It kinda boggles my mind.
     Once we finally got our shit together and started making changes it seemed like moving to Colorado was the easiest change we could make for our overall health. We came to visit and saw very few fat people and everyone was eating right and super active. That assumption, however, was even worse than thinking that it was easy to be so overweight. We stumbled on a new regime of people, I had never imagined that there was people in the world that had something called "fat pride".
     How can those two words exist together? It felt like a good comfortable mindset to place things, until I realized it wasn't. Not for me. If someone can truly be proud and happy with that lifestyle, then my apologies for not understanding it, but for me it felt more like apathy and complacency in my own life. I was settling. Cozying up in my pre-diabetic, fatty pancreas, acid reflux, achy joints misery and pretending that it was all cool. Knowing full well the history of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, etc. etc. that exists in my family, not to mention the mental health issues that really don't need any encouragement to pop up.
     So... I guess I have a hard time wrapping my head around what there is to be proud of. I'm extremely hard on myself even when I actually AM proud of myself, so why would I put stock in something that has always made me feel like a lesser person. I dunno... just my thoughts for the day. Batch cooking day is tomorrow, so standby for more recipes and maybe even some pictures this week... If I can figure it out.

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