Sunday, October 19, 2014

Feed for the week

    In standard Sunday style, today was batch cooking day. On the menu this week is sweet potatoes and bacon for breakfast (going with eggs), sausage and peppers w/tomatoes for dinner, taco meat with black beans for another dinner option, maple tarragon carrots as a veggie side, and  I made some kalamata/tomato/feta stuff for a snack for Dawn. No recipes this week or links to anyone else's page, just some simple comfort foods. We also still have some meals left over in the freezer from last week that we will carry over into this week.

     In other news... Pretty low key weekend, but SUPER excited to get back to the gym tomorrow morning. One week off was crappy because it slowed our momentum but also very much appreciated since I had a stomach bug for the past 5 days. 
     I found this article the other day, which I thought was kinda ironic, but VERY helpful! It's pretty interesting, and after reading the part about bone broth I got a wicked craving for a nice steamy bowl of pho. So we went to our favorite place for it and got a big enough bowl to bring home some leftover broth, which I have been sipping on and feeling much better. Also, per the recommendation of Coach Jamie (, I've been drinking a ton of water and some coconut water in between (no sugar added) to stay hydrated. Feeling better enough to be ready to hit it hard at 5:15am tomorrow!

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