Saturday, October 11, 2014

Intro by Jamie

Oh heyyyy.... So that makes me the one on the left, Jamie! My lovely wife pretty much summed up a lot of the common things that got us to this point, but here's a bit about me... I'm 32, I'm a Chef Instructor at a local technical college here in Denver (which is my dream job- yay me!) But all that really means is that I've made a living off of my unhealthy love affair with food. I've always been overweight, but because I'm "butch" I've been able to hide it in bulky clothing or convince myself I've got a bigger frame or whatever bullshit people tell themselves to feel better. You know... as if some bones are just larger than others, not that there's different sizes of fat suits we all wear. Once upon a time I chased a dream that involved me being recruited by the US Army band, contingent on me losing a bunch of weight and passing the physical standards. I did what was needed and got down to 176 in my senior year of high school, that's the smallest I ever remember being. Plans changed and I went to college, where the freshman 15 became the freshman 50 for me. And from there it just became a several year long roller coaster ride that eventually got me comfortable in my marriage and my career as a Chef and 276 pounds at my highest. At that time I was working for Whole Foods Market who sent me on a health immersion with the renowned Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It was an incredible experience that lost me 16lbs in 5 days through intensive diet and exercise, and started the ball in motion. It has been a couple years of struggling and failed attempts to succeed, but never a lapse. My current ambition and drive to do this thing for real has gotten me to a point that I've never been at before. I want to be stronger, I want to be healthier, I want to be what I've always dreamt of being but never felt it possible. I crossfit  because I love it and it makes me feel like anything is possible, I cook and eat (mostly) paleo because it feels good on my insides, and I am excited about this blog because I want to share it all with anyone who will listen. Enjoy the ride with us and please feel free to post, comment, follow, or creep on this thing as much as you want.
Current weight: 230lbs, measurements and more pics to come

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