Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hey there....That is me, on the right with the sunglasses...and this is my journey to health, fitness, and running a half marathon.  A little about me:

I am 36 (almost 37) years old.  I am originally from CT but moved to CO for graduate school (Social Work) and fell in love with the state, so we bought a house!.  I have been married for 5 1/2 years to the lovely lady on the left and could not have asked for a better person to share my life with.  I am the proud mommy of 2 Boston Terriers and the aunt to 3 amazing kids.

My weight has always been an issue for me. I remember being teased in middle school and feeling like an outcast in high school.  I remember being in the school musical my senior year and being nervous there would not be a costume that would fit me.  I graduated high school weighing 227 and have gone up from there.  My highest weight was 2 years ago when I weighed 338lbs and was a size 26 (Lane Bryant clothing).  It was then that I knew I needed a change.  My wife and I started a program and I lost 40 the process, we moved our life out to CO and I gained 10 pounds back.  On Aug 3rd we decided to try again. This time however, I had a different mindset.  Determined not to fail, I started making lists of things I want to accomplish.  I put a sticky note on my desk that said 338 so I always knew where I came from. I ended toxic relationships with 'friends' and began to find healthier, amazing friendships with people in the same mindset as my own.

I have been on diets.  Weight watchers, atkins, calorie counting, fit2fat2fit, vegan, juicing, and south beach.  I have joined planet fitness, Curves, Health trax, my work gym, and purchased numerous DVDs...My success now is determination, paleo, boxing, and crossfit.  That is my poison. Boxing brings me to a new level of power that I never thought I had.  Crossfit makes me feel bad ass and as tough as those professional weight lifters.  Paleo allows me to eat what I enjoy ((hello Bacon)) and lose weight in the process.....In the last 2 months, I have lost 25 lbs and gone down 3 pant sizes...from a size 24 jeans in Lane Bryant to an 18 at Old Navy.

I can promise you this.....I will succeed. I will run a half marathon.  I will be a living organ donor. I will inspire others to engage in this life.  I will zipline in CO and not worry about the weight limit.  I will not need a seat belt extender on an airplane.  I will look forward to exercise instead of sitting in front of the TV.  I WILL LIVE...healthier, happier, and more determined than ever.

Please join my wife and I on this journey.  We welcome comments, questions, and overall support. 

Thank You!!

Dawn (weight 282.4)  Measurements to be added later!

1 comment:

  1. I followed your link from Fightin2getfit FB page. I look forward to checking in with ya'll. My husband and I (and my youngest son, 14 yrs old) started a HIIT/Crossfit thing 90 days ago and we love it. We've been eating low-carb since 2008, but I have decided to let that go and try to mostly eat paleo 80/20 while keep carbs under 70 every day but counting calories too. It's just crazy stuff. Thanks for sharing.
