Monday, October 20, 2014

WOD, Rx, and PR... Victory!

     So we titled this thing 2chicks and a WOD, but have yet to talk about the WOD side of things. Today was a day that I wanted to share. Our gym took a week off last week so there wasn't much to talk about, especially since we admittedly didn't really stand up to doing things on our own. Today was our first day back there, and I felt like I had something to prove- not to anyone but myself, but who better.
     The alarm went off at 4:45am and we jumped out of bed, got dressed, got our things together and hopped in the car. We got there half expecting an absolute killer workout to be posted up on the board, it wasn't as bad as we had expected, but it definitely got things going. So we jumped right into the warm-up, which was a 400 meter run followed by high knees, butt kicks, side lunges, and a group stretch. We then worked on jump rope for a bit, and then the WOD (workout of the day)...
        3 rounds for time: 400 meter run
                                      15 Push press 75/55
                                      10 Bar jumps
                                      5 Burpees

     Okay, so to break that down a bit.... as fast as you can, complete the cycle 3 times starting with a 1/4 mile run, then an overhead barbell lift from a slight dip with the legs (not a full squat) at a prescribed weight (Rx) of 75lbs for men and 55 for women, then set the bar down and jump over it 10 times, and then burpees- drop to the ground in a squat position with your hands on the ground, kick your feet back into a pushup position, drop your chest to the ground and then get back to your feet and end with a jump and clap.
     Something happened in the warm-up that just got me going on this workout, it just clicked. I grabbed a 35lb bar, loaded each side with a 10lb plate and chalked up my hands. When the countdown timer beeped, I took off at a good solid pace and set my mind on two things: 1.) I would have a sub 20min time and 2.) I was gonna do the Rx weight and do it well. And both things happened! 19min 40sec and for the first time EVER I had a PR (personal record) and did an Rx weight. YES!!
     Dawn was right beside me, killing it herself! 23min 57sec with a 35lb bar! I hope she writes more about her experience with it, but she's at boxing right now getting her "Ali" on. So freaking proud of her and all she is doing towards her goals.
     What an awesome feeling to start the day on, especially a Monday! To set your mind on what you want and to actually do it is an amazing feeling that I could definitely get used to.

Definitely check out the kickass gyms we use: Two Rusty Bars Fitness( with coaches Dan and Jamie Chrzanowski  and Title Boxing in Greenwood Village ( with several coaches, but Dawn usually tries to get in with Renee Christensen.

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