Monday, December 29, 2014

Measurements, Motivation, and Meal plans

     Good morning!! So here we are on the last Monday of 2014... New Years day is on Thursday and with that comes all the resolutions and new diets or exercise programs for the majority of people. I always try to say I'm not doing any of that and I'm just doing my own thing without all the dumb broken promises to myself. Most of that is just me trying to justify or feel better about all the failed attempts of my past. So, every year it gets a little harder or a little more annoying to think about the same stuff. I am really kinda sick of it and would love to have a new years where I don't have to think about weight or diet or exercise. Or to still be sitting here thinking "maybe next year". Even when you pretend it's not an issue or something that's on your mind, it doesn't go away. It's like when someone mentions the amount of food you eat or looks at your plate with a judgmental look and you find yourself wondering if skinny people feel this way. But... no matter what your weight situation is or what your hang ups are, no one will ever judge you as hard as yourself.
     Now... this whole motivation thing... what is it, where does it come from, how do you make it stay?? These are things I have wondered for pretty much forever! Once you start something and pour your whole self into it it's easy to ride out the momentum and keep it going, and even easier when you begin to see results. But what happens when you start to get a little cloudy in your vision, or when you take a little time off, or when things just hit a random stand still. As I sit here in between holidays knowing that my food choices have been shit and that my gym schedule has completely fallen apart, I just don't know how to light the fire back up. I know I love what I was doing, and I know I was seeing better results than I ever have before, but for some reason I'm just in a funk.
     I don't really do well with free time or sitting still, and I am currently in the middle of a 2 week break from work. So.... that puts me in this weird emotional spot where I just lose my motivation. I hate it, I'm aware of it, and yet I still let it happen. I am a creature of habit and do best when I have a routine, so set schedules and strict meal plans all work really well for me, but the slightest change in plans can offset everything I'm doing. Weird how it works, but its always been that way for me. Anyone have any input on this?? Suggestions on how to keep it going or get back on??
     Speaking of strict meal plans... we just signed up to follow a slightly more intense version of the fit2fat2fitplan we had been following before the holidays. It starts on the 4th, so this week will be the prep week, which usually involves purging the house of bad stuff and stocking up on the good stuff. Luckily for us, we've already been doing this so it's just the holiday crap we have to get rid of and Saturday we will shop for the new menu to batch cook on Sunday. If you have any interest in checking this thing out, the new plan is at, the free version we were doing before is at
      Last but not least.... as I've been promising, here is the chart of our measurements so far. You can see that there are some solid results, but also some stand stills. There is still far too much weight and inches to be lost for there to be a plateau for either of us. Something definitely needs to be shaken up here in the next couple days to get this thing going full force into the new year. So I guess a resolution needs to be made, but rather than some empty promise or putting a number on things, I will keep it a bit simpler: No more excuses!!!! That is the best thing I can do for myself at this point.
     Happy New Year to each and every one of you that reads this. Thank you for your continued support. Be safe, and take good care of yourselves.

DAWN 20-Sep  10/17 Diff. 24-Nov Diff. 27-Dec Diff.
Neck: 16 16 015.25 0.75 15.25 0.75
Bust: 50 49 1 49 1 47 3
Waist: 48.5 46 2.5 46 2.5 45 3.5
Hips: 57 54 3 54 3 53.5 3.5
Right Arm: 19 18 1 16 3 15.5 3.5
Right Thigh: 30.5 27.5 3 27.5 3 26 4.5
Right Calf: 21 20 1 19.75 1.25 19 2
Weight: 286.8 284.2 2.6 276 10 276 10
JAMIE  9/20 17-Oct Diff. 24-Nov Diff. 27-Dec Diff.
Neck: 15.5 15 0.5 14.5 1 14.5 1
Bust: 46 45 1 45 1 45 1
Waist: 42.5 41 1.5 41 1.5 40 2.5
Hips: 48.5 47.5 1 47.5 1 46 2.5
Right Arm: 17 15 2 15 2 14 3
Right Thigh: 30 28.5 1.5 28.5 1.5 28.5 1.5
Right Calf: 19 18.5 0.5 18 1 17.5 1.5
Weight: 236 229 7 227 9227 9

Friday, December 26, 2014

Oh heeeyyyy!!

       Holy crap... it's already been 20 days since we last posted! It's amazing how easily life gets away from you. Holidays, new job for Dawn, sick people, sick pup, new goals, new achievements, etc... and here we are with New Years in sight! The end of an exciting and amazing year, and a solid outlook on what's to come.
     This Christmas was so unlike any other, and yet so much better in a different way! We usually both have our interests and things that we want for gifts that include kitchen toys for me and makeup for Dawn. This year included things like compression shorts and sweatbands as well as a foam roller and a 20lb slam ball. What a difference a year makes!
    Crossfit at the new gym has been amazing, we are both getting stronger and have better endurance. I can do 20" box jumps no problem now! AND... I did a series of 11 clapping pushups during a workout on xmas eve! I LOVE THIS SHIT! haha It just feels good to be so focused on health and strength instead of weight and getting skinny.
     Unfortunately, Dawn hasn't been boxing as much as she would like... she's been too busy loving her new job! Scheduling conflicts suck, but she is still kicking ass and trying to find that balance. She is also looking into a 10k next month. I'm just really glad she is finding her groove in life and proud of all she is accomplishing both personally and professionally.
    We sent out the most obnoxiously cute holiday cards this year that involved us getting dressed up and going to the gym to play around with poses with equipment. Hopefully you got one and loved it, if not... that sucks! HAHA

     Anyway....I'm babbling, but wanted to post a quick update and not neglect this thing anymore. Measurements tomorrow, batch cooking on Sunday, and New Years this week... no resolutions this year for me. Why? Because I've already started and made my own commitments and promises to myself. I WILL, however, be making attempts to keep up on these posts more. Thanks for reading and happy holidays to you all!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Seatbelts and Douchebags

If you never had to ask for a seatbelt extender, this is for you. An inside glimpse at that world from a chunky chic.
When I first flew years ago I was nervous about the seats. I wasn't at my heaviest, but still very overweight. When I boarded the plan and attempted to clasp the seatbelt, it would not budge. I smushed, pushed, and did anything I could do to get that damn thing to close, to no avail. With apprehension I approached the flight attendant to ask for an extender. You could see the look of digust in her eye as she handed it to me. If only she knew the disgust I felt for myself for having to ask. Luckily, I would fly with my wife so she didn't mind (or wouldn't admit) if my thighs went on her side of the seat. I minded however. I hated it. I hated flying and never wanted to get on a plane again.
My next issue was the bathroom. I have a small bladder to begin with and when I get nervous, I'm screwed. Anytime I fly I will not eat or drink until I have gone into the airplane bathroom, closed the door, and sat down. I have never not fit, but it still scares me. 
So today was a flying day. I have worked my butt off these last few months but still had fear of not fitting in the seat. I found out I was the only one in my aisle before boarding so I was slightly relieved that my thighs wouldn't touch the neighbors. As I boarded the plane I told the flight attendant I may need an extender. I like to forewarn them before the plane gets to busy. I took my seat, took a breath, and grabbed the seatbelt. It clasped. I wasnt squished and had room to move around. I was ecstatic. The flight attendant walked by shortly after and asked if I needed the extender. Proudly, I said nope I am comfortable. She smiled. I smiled. In fact, I smiled the whole way to Chicago because I knew when I get home I am checking off another box on my bucket list.
The next flight was from Chicago to Hartford and I heard the plane was small. Okay, its really fucking small. One seat on one side, and 2 seats on the other. I approached my seat which was the aisle of the 2 seater and some douchebag dickhead was in it. I decided to take the one seat side rather than cause a commotion.  Once again, I held my breath and grabbed both ends..OMG, it fit. And I fit. In this tiny lil seat with armrests on both sides that were not moveable. Sidenote, the douchebag just smiled at me and I want to punch him but I'm too proud.
So as the plane is about to take off, the attendant asks someone in row 1-7 to sit in the back to distribute weight. Douchebag kinda looks at me, I look at him and remain seated. The guy behind me ends up moving. Screw you people. My butt is secure in this seat, 5A, and thats where it is staying. Then, I tested the bathroom. Yup, I fit. Phew, mise well pee while I am in here..and hang out. Why?? Became I mutha fuckin can. Because I can close the door and do a pirouette if I wanted to. Because I work hard for who I am becoming. And because I am no longer that person that needs an extender. Ya know what else?? I wear the seatbelt even when the pilot says you dont have to!!
Bucket list item complete. Day is great. I am happy. Love and health to all. Except the douchebag. He still is annoying  me.

Sunday, November 30, 2014 Dawn

Oh hey there to whoever is reading! Dawn here..time for updates!!
I recently completed an item on my bucket list!! a 5k!  It was something I had wanted to do for a while, but never had the ambition to train for.  With the help of a friend and her daughter, I ran through the finish line of the Moustache Dache.  For the week leading up to the 5k, I was filled with all sorts of emotions and goals.  On the day of, I just wanted to get to the starting line, and more importantly the finish line.  Overall, I ended up slowly jogging about 2 of the 3 miles and walked the rest.  When I was able to see Jamie waiting at the finish line, I somehow 'sprinted' the short distance just to make it into her arms.  With tears in her eyes, we hugged and I lost control of my emotions.  I sobbed in her arms, realizing what I had just accomplished and realizing how many more goals I have yet to complete.  I realized I am unstoppable and can do whatever I set my mind to!

With Thanksgiving in the past, I can now say how excited I am to get 'back on track' with Fit2Fat2Fit program.  We went off plan to indulge in the delicious holiday foods, but man oh man am I ready for my spinach shakes and chicken! On Thanksgiving morning I went to a 2 hour boxing class with a great friend/motivator Ginger.  She had thanked me for inviting her to class with me and then said how I motivate her..Unbelievable...I motivate MY motivator??  How does that even work?!!  Needless to say, that comment made my day and I strive to motivate more people. 

Non related update..I got a new job!! On Dec 11 I will start my position as a Clinical Therapist in a halfway house/jail.  It is one of my dream jobs and I am excited to be part of such a great team.  The only thing I will miss of my current job is the flexibility...but I can squeeze in my boxing and crossfit at other times.

Speaking of crossfit, we have changed gyms and start the new place tomorrow!  If you watch Extreme Weight Loss, this is the gym that Chris Powell goes to with the contestants.  I would die if I saw him working out with us (we did hear from members that he goes to the 5am class during filming).  This gym also allows us to use the equipment from 5am to midnight even if a class isn't going on. Exciting...not that I would attempt any dangerous WODS while a trainer is not there, but it is great to know I can go and use the rower, free weights, rings, etc if I have a late night at work!  If you want to check them out, the gym is called Bladium!

I think that's about it.  Ever since grad school, I have no longer enjoyed writing a lot :)   stay happy and healthy!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Breaking up, breaking down, breaking in, and breaking out...

    Okay, so first things first.... HOLY CRAP!!! Dawn completed her first 5k! A-MAZING! Which leads to the first thing: breaking in. This means a lot of things right now... breaking into this new way of life, breaking in those running shoes (for Dawn of course, NOT me! haha), breaking in these "new" bodies that are still changing every day, etc. Also, I officially registered for a Spartan race! AHH!!! Kinda freaking out about it, but really cannot wait! More about that later...
     On to the next... breaking out. UGH! Like teenage acne status over here... we strayed a bit from the meal plan this week, and boy does it show! We had a few indiscretions this week, and for me it involved A LOT of dairy! Our cheat meal on Friday night was pizza at a friends house, which was delicious and painful! Me and dairy are not friends... I try so hard, but it just wants to fight me! I was never lactose intolerant before, but over the many diet programs we have been through I have taken dairy out many times and really only add it back in the form of cheese, but don't seem to know my limits. So, now that my body isn't having it all the time it resists when I do... with this comes severe stomach cramps, increased bathroom time, throat mucus and nasal congestion, and of course... break outs! NOT a fan, but it proves a quote I saw today "What you eat in private, you wear in public". You can't hide from your dietary choices! Because of these so called treat meals, we have so much food left in the freezer, I didn't even need to batch cook this week! While that is great for the budget, it shows how far off we were this week.
     So back to this 5k... Saturday morning was the Mustache Dache 5k in City park. The weather was perfect, Dawn was excited and nervous, and I couldn't have been more proud! She had on her newly made bucket list t-shirt, her tutu, and the cutest little braided pigtails. As she went and lined up on the starting line, I found myself getting a little teary. Never before would I have imagined this is where we would be. One night over dinner with friends (a marathon runner and her ironman husband) Dawn decided this was a goal she wanted to accomplish, and she signed up for it and started training. The truth of the matter is that the training took a backseat to many other things (crossfit, boxing, stomach bug, head cold, etc) and she ended up not preparing AT ALL after the first running accomplishment. Despite all that, she finished in under an hour and jogged the majority of it! As I saw her turn the corner toward the finish line, I began to well up with tears, and had the biggest smile on my face as she gave her last push and ran it in. I walked over to where she was and gave her a big hug and then... we both broke down. We sobbed and cried and smiled and celebrated. THIS is what we have been working for. THIS is what will keep us going.

     And finally... breaking up. This is a tough one. So, after much discussion and weeks of weighing pros and cons, we have broken up with our gym. There were many reasons for this decision, and it was DEFINITELY not easy, but we feel that in the long run it will be a good decision. I have nothing bad to say about the place we were at, and wish them nothing but the best. It really came down to short term goals, equipment, and scheduling. With that said, we will be starting at a new place after Thanksgiving and will post more about that later.
     It was a crazy week with a lot going on emotionally, physically, and psychologically. With all of that, I am a bit relieved to not have to batch cook, but it feels weird! Like I am forgetting something. I'm looking forward to the challenges of a holiday week though and to see how new behaviors react with old habits and my favorite holiday of the year!

By the way... I didn't forget, we owe you measurements! Stay tuned....

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I really kinda like how I look... and batch cooking.

     Oh heeyyyyy! Long time no type! So this is something interesting for me to be writing about, but I feel like it needs to be "said out loud" (typed right here) to make some sense. I got a haircut the other day, which is nothing new as it happens every 2-3weeks, but something about it this time... I found myself checking me out in the reflection of my car, the bathroom mirror, wherever I could. I spent some time really looking at myself two days ago which is something I have avoided for a very long time. For the first time in a very long time I liked what I saw. I liked my hair, I liked my smile, I liked the shape of my face, it was all so strange because I kinda didn't recognize the person I saw. I examined the newly developing muscles in my shoulders and the definition in my neckline... I can get used to this. I don't think I've changed my facebook picture or posted as many "selfies" ever before! Weird! Funny, new, exciting, encouraging.
     In other news... it's Sunday! And that only means one thing for me... BATCH COOKING!!! As Dawn mentioned in her last post, we are back on the fit2fat2fit meal plan and entering week 2 of it. Super simple with recipes and specifics on their website for free, which is unheard of in the world of meal plans these days! No products being pedaled, no brand loyalties, and gimmicks. Just real and attainable foods. So here's a couple pictures of what's going on this week for us.
Three different flavors of marinated baked chicken (teriyaki, Caribbean jerk, sesame ginger) and some seasoned roasted zucchini (original flavor Mrs. Dash). These will become 13 meals (4 will get broccoli though)

Sauteed peppers and onions with Southwest chipotle flavor Mrs. Dash (love that stuff- variety of flavors and all salt free)

Deli turkey, jalapenos, green bell peppers, onions, cilantro... This will be the filling for omelets 2 days this week and will be topped with salsa

Homemade jerky! I've been doing this for a couple weeks now (finally dusted off the dehydrator),and it's SUPER easy! I pick a flavor- last week was original jerky, this week was teriyaki; buy a 2lb London broil and slice it pretty thin on a bias (angle cut) and marinate overnight. I lay a single layer on each rack of the dehydrator and let it go on160 degrees for about 6 hours. This made 8 servings of 4 slices each! Also some hard boiled eggs for extra protein snacks since we get stupid hungry on lift days!!!
      We also have the most amazing spinach shake for breakfast every day. It's simple, delicious, and last time we did this program I ended up craving it when we changed to something else. To make 2 servings, we use 2 large handfuls of baby spinach, 1 1/3 cup almond milk, 2 scoops chocolate protein powder, 1 banana, 1/4 cup natural peanut butter and fill the rest of the blender with ice. AND... it's a really pretty color of green! LOL

     Last time we did this program we saw a lot of results and were very content with how it went, so we figured why try something new if we know what works. Next weekend we are going to redo our measurements from when we first started getting serious, will be 2 months at that point. Maybe we will include pics too, but we will definitely post our progress results here, so standby!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Updates and new plan.....

Its been 2 weeks since the last update.  Nothing exciting that we missed, although we did have some guests in from out of town. Unfortunately, that entailed eating out a bit and not making the best choices for snack foods. Although the food choices were not the best, we still went to xfit (and boxing) and walked A lot!  After realizing that while the results of all our hard work are visible, the scale does not want to move.  Jamie and I have both been stuck for a few weeks now so we decided we need a kick start! I have briefly talked about the program that helped us the most in previous posts, but now I would like to talk more in depth, and why I feel that it works. The program is Fit2Fat2Fit written by Drew Manning and his wife Lynn.  Those who are on my facebook page may have noticed I received a Happy Birthday message from them last week which makes me like them even more.  Yes, I have a man crush on Drew, yes my wife knows, but hey, whatever works right??!
So what is this plan you ask?  Drew is a personal trainer who never really 'understood' what obese people went through.  He believed the stereotypical claim that fat people are lazy, unmotivated, and choosing this lifestyle.  He took it upon himself to go on a 6 month journey of gaining weight through food challenges, overeating, not exercising, and not 'caring' in order to see what it is like. During that time, he would journal how he felt, videoed what he ate, and wrote a book! Once the 6 months was complete, and he gained almost 75 pounds, he took another 6 months to lose it all.  Why do I like this plan so much?  Because Drew knew what it was like. He felt how fat people felt, if only for a short time.  He experienced the fatigue, muscle aches, emotional journey, and the relationship issues that happen when one is obese.  He chose to do this to understand so many people.  And the plan to get back into shape was the easiest plan we have done to date.  Yes, it is boring and repetitive, but we saw results (mostly Paleo).  The first round I lost 40 lbs and I believe Jamie lost 35.  And that was just a matter a a few months. 
Did I drink Drew's koolaid? You bet I did.  I also drank the best spinach shake I have had in my life.  It is delicious, filling, super easy to make, and very convenient.  We will right about our success with Fit2Fat2Fit and include some of the yummy recipes that go along with it.  In the meantime, check out his webpage,  He is currently doing a Fit2Fat2Fit Gluten Free challenge to show how going 'gluten free' if you are not celiac, may not be the best option.  We all are different in our short/long term goals, we all have different versions of health, and what works for me may not work for you.  Nothing is wrong.  Do what makes YOU feel great. 
On that note, stay healthy, stay happy and ask questions along the way. We are no experts, but we love to share our knowledge!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Funday...

     Sunday again... that means more planning, more batch cooking, and more blogging. Keeping it super simple this week on the food thing: Breakfast as usual, lunches will be mostly leftovers (as there always seems to be some of those around!),and two tasty recipes that we will alternate between. Crockpot Chicken Tikka Masala, and Dawn's friend Melinda gave us a recipe for a deconstructed stuffed cabbage that we made a huge batch of!
     For the cabbage we used one head of green cabbage chopped into bite-sized pieces, one large yellow onion diced, 3 cups canned crushed tomato, 2lbs ground beef, and 2lbs ground turkey. We seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, tamari, and a small amount of steak seasoning. (The recipe called for Worcestershire sauce but I didn't have any, so used the steak seasoning instead. Super simple: brown onions, add the meat, brown that, add the cabbage, sautee to your liking, add tamari, add tomatoes, season to taste. YUM! (This yielded 8 large dinner sized portions) No pics this week because I'm not sure if anyone is even looking at this enough to take the pics! (comments are helpful).
     Chicken tikka masala is from an online paleo crockpot recipe ( It's slow cooking as we speak. I made a couple adjustments to this one for our preferences. Dawn is not a fan of chicken thighs (which I love haha) so we used boneless skinless breasts cut into small chunks. Also, the only food she will says she will absolutely not eat in any form is coconut, so we substituted the coconut milk for a bit of sour cream that was left in the fridge that I thinned out a bit with some almond milk. We'll see how my lactose intolerance handles that one!
     On the snack side of things, Dawn likes greek yogurt a lot, so we get a big ol' box of it at Costco which lasts her a few weeks, but I'm finding that my stomach is even having trouble with the pricey non-dairy yogurts these days, so I'm trying a new treat this week that our Crossfit coach gave us for a simple paleo chocolate mousse that keeps the sugar low and helps to work in the healthy fats: 1 can whole fat coconut milk (chilled, then liquid part removed), 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, and optional 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. Whip this combination with a hand mixer (I will be using my kitchenaid stand mixer) until it reaches the thick fluffy mousse-like consistency and store in an airtight container. Other snacks we will be having this week: 100 calorie packs of almonds, an apple a day, and my new found favorite- sugar snap peas!
    It's not even noon yet, but everything is done for the week and put into the mass of tupperwares that take over the freezer every Sunday. Now the oven is self-cleaning (smoky stinky grossness thanks to bacon splatter) and we are getting geared up to go for a hike with an amazingly inspiring healthy friend! (Yes Ginger... that means you!)

     Please leave a comment or some indication that this thing is reaching someone out there so we know where to go with it or if we should write more or less often, or even at all. Thanks!

Friday, October 24, 2014

What i lost

So our crossfit coach posted a motivational quote about sacrificing different things to meet our goal...she then asked us what we have sacrificed to achieve our own goal.  I thought about all the things I have lost.  in no particular order:

  • My ability to sleep 4:45am the alarm goes off and we head to the 'box'. 
  • Some 'friends' that became toxic and no longer supportive of my future goals.
  • heartburn after dinner
  • the feeling of extreme fullness and disgust after Every. Single. Meal.
  • The wearing of heels. I mean, my Nano's for xfit and being barefoot for boxing counts right?
  • the desire to shop at Ulta, Sephora, Mac. is now Dicks, Amazon, Finish Line
  • hell, a few inches are gone too...
  • The desire to sit on my butt and watch TV All. Night. Long.
  • The lack of willpower
  • The ability to say 'I can't do it'  - F*ck that.  I am Going to do it, or at least try my best!
  • Pounds and Pounds of the past...literally and figuratively
  • Lack of conversation starters..WOD anyone? Jab Cross Jab? 5K?
Those are some of the things I have lost throughout this journey.  Not too shabby huh?  Some things I have gained?
  • Confidence
  • shopping in more stores
  • friendships
  • self awareness
  • Palm soreness
  • muscle aches (the kind that feel great though!)
  • Determination
  • a new desire for my future (health coach!)
  • having no limits
  • the ability to push my body harder than it ever has been pushed
  • the awareness to Love and Hate your coaches at the same time (sorry Jamie, Dan, and Renee!!)
  • a life.
What are some of your losses and gains??? Please comment!

Monday, October 20, 2014

WOD, Rx, and PR... Victory!

     So we titled this thing 2chicks and a WOD, but have yet to talk about the WOD side of things. Today was a day that I wanted to share. Our gym took a week off last week so there wasn't much to talk about, especially since we admittedly didn't really stand up to doing things on our own. Today was our first day back there, and I felt like I had something to prove- not to anyone but myself, but who better.
     The alarm went off at 4:45am and we jumped out of bed, got dressed, got our things together and hopped in the car. We got there half expecting an absolute killer workout to be posted up on the board, it wasn't as bad as we had expected, but it definitely got things going. So we jumped right into the warm-up, which was a 400 meter run followed by high knees, butt kicks, side lunges, and a group stretch. We then worked on jump rope for a bit, and then the WOD (workout of the day)...
        3 rounds for time: 400 meter run
                                      15 Push press 75/55
                                      10 Bar jumps
                                      5 Burpees

     Okay, so to break that down a bit.... as fast as you can, complete the cycle 3 times starting with a 1/4 mile run, then an overhead barbell lift from a slight dip with the legs (not a full squat) at a prescribed weight (Rx) of 75lbs for men and 55 for women, then set the bar down and jump over it 10 times, and then burpees- drop to the ground in a squat position with your hands on the ground, kick your feet back into a pushup position, drop your chest to the ground and then get back to your feet and end with a jump and clap.
     Something happened in the warm-up that just got me going on this workout, it just clicked. I grabbed a 35lb bar, loaded each side with a 10lb plate and chalked up my hands. When the countdown timer beeped, I took off at a good solid pace and set my mind on two things: 1.) I would have a sub 20min time and 2.) I was gonna do the Rx weight and do it well. And both things happened! 19min 40sec and for the first time EVER I had a PR (personal record) and did an Rx weight. YES!!
     Dawn was right beside me, killing it herself! 23min 57sec with a 35lb bar! I hope she writes more about her experience with it, but she's at boxing right now getting her "Ali" on. So freaking proud of her and all she is doing towards her goals.
     What an awesome feeling to start the day on, especially a Monday! To set your mind on what you want and to actually do it is an amazing feeling that I could definitely get used to.

Definitely check out the kickass gyms we use: Two Rusty Bars Fitness( with coaches Dan and Jamie Chrzanowski  and Title Boxing in Greenwood Village ( with several coaches, but Dawn usually tries to get in with Renee Christensen.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Feed for the week

    In standard Sunday style, today was batch cooking day. On the menu this week is sweet potatoes and bacon for breakfast (going with eggs), sausage and peppers w/tomatoes for dinner, taco meat with black beans for another dinner option, maple tarragon carrots as a veggie side, and  I made some kalamata/tomato/feta stuff for a snack for Dawn. No recipes this week or links to anyone else's page, just some simple comfort foods. We also still have some meals left over in the freezer from last week that we will carry over into this week.

     In other news... Pretty low key weekend, but SUPER excited to get back to the gym tomorrow morning. One week off was crappy because it slowed our momentum but also very much appreciated since I had a stomach bug for the past 5 days. 
     I found this article the other day, which I thought was kinda ironic, but VERY helpful! It's pretty interesting, and after reading the part about bone broth I got a wicked craving for a nice steamy bowl of pho. So we went to our favorite place for it and got a big enough bowl to bring home some leftover broth, which I have been sipping on and feeling much better. Also, per the recommendation of Coach Jamie (, I've been drinking a ton of water and some coconut water in between (no sugar added) to stay hydrated. Feeling better enough to be ready to hit it hard at 5:15am tomorrow!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Is this what I want??

I ran into an old friend a bit ago who has not seen me since my weightloss.  She commented how I looked good but then asked "is this what you want?"  I assume implying did I want to lose weight or did I get an awful illness that affected my health.  I smiled and said - absolutely, this is what I want.  I want this because of so many reasons.  Here's just a few:
  • to not be out of breath when climbing stairs
  • to have a better chance of living a long life
  • to not worry about fitting into seats at restaurants
  • to have more than a handful of stores to shop in
  • to sleep better
  • to enjoy life fully with no restrictions
and so many more.

Previously, Jamie talked about fat pride.  Something that I also have a hard time with.  Yes, I love myself and am proud of the goals I have recently achieved (moving to CO, buying a house, graduating from grad school, etc).  However, I do not like what limitations I put on myself due to my weight.  I do not have pride in my body.  I love the fact that I am 'healthy' and my legs keep me walking and my back keeps me upright, but I do not like the fact that my body is covered in fat.  Fat that will eventually kill me if I don't change my lifestyle.  Fat that has defined me for the last 25+ years.  I was always that fat kid.  My blood pressure is great, my cholesterol is unbelievable but do you see any fat elderly people?  NO...because they are DEAD.  So I am sorry I cannot have fat pride.  it is nothing I am prideful for.  there is nothing to be prideful for.  I have Dawn pride, but I am certainly not happy with where I was.  I am happy for the people that are proud of their weight and their size.  However, I do not believe for one moment that they are truly happy with themselves.  That is only my opinion of course. 

On a positive side note,
this month I am down 11 1/2 inches. that is almost a foot...holy cow...and I fit into a pair of jeans off the rack at old navy.  a size 18. I haven't been a size 18 in a long long long time.
we welcome feedback, comments, suggestions, etc...

Food For Thought...

   (Disclaimer: You may or may not agree with them, but these are MY opinions) 

     Today I was thinking... I was thinking about the life I used to live and how it felt like I just gave up on living. I was in this cold dark place that just seemed to feel comfortable. Plenty of friends and loved ones around me all the time, but yet it seemed so lonely. Dawn and I often talked about how much we hated being so fat and so inactive, and we were always on some sort of diet, but we just never did enough.
     The common misconception is that obese people do nothing but sit around and watch tv while shoving food in their faces, and in some cases that is true, but not all. Here's something to think about: it is actually A LOT of work to get and stay obese. No, seriously... think about it... the amount of calories required to maintain that weight and the complete lack of physical activity involved...WOW. Now take that one step further- to actually be physical at that kind of weight and STILL not lose any. It kinda boggles my mind.
     Once we finally got our shit together and started making changes it seemed like moving to Colorado was the easiest change we could make for our overall health. We came to visit and saw very few fat people and everyone was eating right and super active. That assumption, however, was even worse than thinking that it was easy to be so overweight. We stumbled on a new regime of people, I had never imagined that there was people in the world that had something called "fat pride".
     How can those two words exist together? It felt like a good comfortable mindset to place things, until I realized it wasn't. Not for me. If someone can truly be proud and happy with that lifestyle, then my apologies for not understanding it, but for me it felt more like apathy and complacency in my own life. I was settling. Cozying up in my pre-diabetic, fatty pancreas, acid reflux, achy joints misery and pretending that it was all cool. Knowing full well the history of high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, etc. etc. that exists in my family, not to mention the mental health issues that really don't need any encouragement to pop up.
     So... I guess I have a hard time wrapping my head around what there is to be proud of. I'm extremely hard on myself even when I actually AM proud of myself, so why would I put stock in something that has always made me feel like a lesser person. I dunno... just my thoughts for the day. Batch cooking day is tomorrow, so standby for more recipes and maybe even some pictures this week... If I can figure it out.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Batch Cooking

     So it's Sunday, and in our house that means one big task... BATCH COOKING! Each week we set ourselves up with a few simple recipes for dinners, and the same breakfasts and lunches every day. Two of the main reasons we have failed in the past are 1.) not being prepared and 2.) over complicating things. A lot of times we will borrow recipes (sometimes personalizing them) because let's face it... other people have done the work of testing it out and making it good, so why not go with it!? There are plenty of times though that I will use my own recipe or create something new. This week we did a bit of both.

      Our amazing coaches at Two Rusty Bars Fitness ( told us what they eat for breakfast everyday, and though it sounded weird we went with it... and loved it! So on Sunday we bake 7 large sweet potatoes and 2lbs of bacon. Each morning we have 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, and 1/2 sweet potato with a bit of butter we whipped with cinnamon and a tiny bit of honey. SO good and keeps us full all morning.

      Lunches each day are 4 lettuce wraps(butter lettuce leaves) containing 1oz each of high quality deli meat and 1/2 slice of cheese. I usually have an apple or other piece of whole fruit with my lunch, while Dawn has a greek yogurt.
     Dinners are usually 3 recipes spread out over the week, but this week we will be home a few more nights together, so we will cook a couple meals fresh. Our main recipe for the week is Puerto Rican Pork Shoulder from the Domestic Man ( but we did it in the crock pot. We also made a cilantro lime cauliflower "rice" to serve it with. YUM!!! Our second recipe came from one of Dawn's boxing coaches at Title boxing gym in Greenwood Village ( It's so simple and delicious... 1lb ground beef, 1lb ground turkey, 1 diced onion, and a TON of sriracha. Sautee it all together, top with an avocado and you're done. Love it!
      We have been feeling like we aren't eating enough veggies lately so we added a couple side dishes into the mix that we will also be eating throughout the week... Stupid easy paleo's beet and Brussels sprout salad( and Paleo Porn's asparagus w/sun-dried tomatoes (

    It looks like a ton of food when you have it all cooked in front of you, but man is it worth having it all done! After about 3 weeks there is usually enough extra meals from the batches that we can make an entire week of mismatched dinners. Today was a crazy busy day, so unfortunately there are no pictures of our batched delights, but next week I promise to have them!


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Intro by Jamie

Oh heyyyy.... So that makes me the one on the left, Jamie! My lovely wife pretty much summed up a lot of the common things that got us to this point, but here's a bit about me... I'm 32, I'm a Chef Instructor at a local technical college here in Denver (which is my dream job- yay me!) But all that really means is that I've made a living off of my unhealthy love affair with food. I've always been overweight, but because I'm "butch" I've been able to hide it in bulky clothing or convince myself I've got a bigger frame or whatever bullshit people tell themselves to feel better. You know... as if some bones are just larger than others, not that there's different sizes of fat suits we all wear. Once upon a time I chased a dream that involved me being recruited by the US Army band, contingent on me losing a bunch of weight and passing the physical standards. I did what was needed and got down to 176 in my senior year of high school, that's the smallest I ever remember being. Plans changed and I went to college, where the freshman 15 became the freshman 50 for me. And from there it just became a several year long roller coaster ride that eventually got me comfortable in my marriage and my career as a Chef and 276 pounds at my highest. At that time I was working for Whole Foods Market who sent me on a health immersion with the renowned Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It was an incredible experience that lost me 16lbs in 5 days through intensive diet and exercise, and started the ball in motion. It has been a couple years of struggling and failed attempts to succeed, but never a lapse. My current ambition and drive to do this thing for real has gotten me to a point that I've never been at before. I want to be stronger, I want to be healthier, I want to be what I've always dreamt of being but never felt it possible. I crossfit  because I love it and it makes me feel like anything is possible, I cook and eat (mostly) paleo because it feels good on my insides, and I am excited about this blog because I want to share it all with anyone who will listen. Enjoy the ride with us and please feel free to post, comment, follow, or creep on this thing as much as you want.
Current weight: 230lbs, measurements and more pics to come

Hey there....That is me, on the right with the sunglasses...and this is my journey to health, fitness, and running a half marathon.  A little about me:

I am 36 (almost 37) years old.  I am originally from CT but moved to CO for graduate school (Social Work) and fell in love with the state, so we bought a house!.  I have been married for 5 1/2 years to the lovely lady on the left and could not have asked for a better person to share my life with.  I am the proud mommy of 2 Boston Terriers and the aunt to 3 amazing kids.

My weight has always been an issue for me. I remember being teased in middle school and feeling like an outcast in high school.  I remember being in the school musical my senior year and being nervous there would not be a costume that would fit me.  I graduated high school weighing 227 and have gone up from there.  My highest weight was 2 years ago when I weighed 338lbs and was a size 26 (Lane Bryant clothing).  It was then that I knew I needed a change.  My wife and I started a program and I lost 40 the process, we moved our life out to CO and I gained 10 pounds back.  On Aug 3rd we decided to try again. This time however, I had a different mindset.  Determined not to fail, I started making lists of things I want to accomplish.  I put a sticky note on my desk that said 338 so I always knew where I came from. I ended toxic relationships with 'friends' and began to find healthier, amazing friendships with people in the same mindset as my own.

I have been on diets.  Weight watchers, atkins, calorie counting, fit2fat2fit, vegan, juicing, and south beach.  I have joined planet fitness, Curves, Health trax, my work gym, and purchased numerous DVDs...My success now is determination, paleo, boxing, and crossfit.  That is my poison. Boxing brings me to a new level of power that I never thought I had.  Crossfit makes me feel bad ass and as tough as those professional weight lifters.  Paleo allows me to eat what I enjoy ((hello Bacon)) and lose weight in the process.....In the last 2 months, I have lost 25 lbs and gone down 3 pant sizes...from a size 24 jeans in Lane Bryant to an 18 at Old Navy.

I can promise you this.....I will succeed. I will run a half marathon.  I will be a living organ donor. I will inspire others to engage in this life.  I will zipline in CO and not worry about the weight limit.  I will not need a seat belt extender on an airplane.  I will look forward to exercise instead of sitting in front of the TV.  I WILL LIVE...healthier, happier, and more determined than ever.

Please join my wife and I on this journey.  We welcome comments, questions, and overall support. 

Thank You!!

Dawn (weight 282.4)  Measurements to be added later!